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DayZ Life V2 Client (RP Framework)

DayZ Life V2 Server (RP Framework)

Welcome to DayZLife Role Play Mod.

Attention A new DayZLife Version will come. This Version will most compatible with this version, but not all.

Feature list

- Supported languages: All
- Spawn Menu with Job choice
- Job change is possible every time without dying  (CTRLL + 3)
- own Money-System
- tax system, A tax is due for each sale at the trader.
- messenger system (CTRLL + 4)
  - players have a contact book
  - can exchange contact data via F action
 - can replay to messages
 - can write anonymous message
 - must have a personal radio with active battery to use message system (configurable)
- Cars
    - Key System
    - last driver can sell cars
    - every car has one owner
    - every player, who has access to car, can see the owner of the car
    - configurable no car collision damage
    - can be parked in a virtual garage
    - can be raided
    - insurance for car damage, can be taken at garage
    - can be tuned (replace car) by a tuning menu for restricted user

- money can be stolen from other and dead players
- bank system
    - pay in / pay out
    - transfer money over bank
    - transfer money directly to players
    - time and player count controlled raids
    - bank can be raided
    - Bank rob steal the configured percentage from tax income, so player dont lose any money at bank rob.
    - if a player dies, the money will stay at the dead character. The money at bank will not be touched
- own trader-system
    - several trader locations
    - trader can be configured, so that they can only used by a job group Cop/Medic/Civil or by all
    - dynamic prices for items related to trader storage
- Players can buy default DayZ Buildings
- Player can upgrade houses with extensions
    - Doors can be looked
    - Storage
    - Alarm systems with different levels
    - House access control system (Give other Players Access to your house)
    - Houses can be raid by other players
    - Houses can upgraded with an extendable inventory, this is accessible for all players when no door from house is looked
- legal and illegal harvest of resources.
    - coal
    - iron
    - copper
    - cocaine
    - stones
    - apple
- (some) resources can be further processed into goods.
- License-System
    - Players require a license to harvest certain resources (can be changed)
    - Players require a license for the further processing of resources (can be changed)
- implemented Almanac to figure out what you need/what you can do and how, short key to open is RCTRL and LCTRL or LCTRL and 1
- display online players per role in Almanac
- Admins can (There are Panels in Almanac)
    - in game delete/reset player data related to our mod
    - can give players the role "Cop"
        - player that can manage cops can also access all doors and house inventories
    - can give players the role "Medic"
    - can give players money to player or bank
    - can see details of players in game
    - many logs to make the admin life easy
- Arrest-system
    - Prisoners must stay in range of a specific point (can be manually set in the config), to reduce his arrest time
- Player can get a paycheck, role related configurable
- When before a player dies, he got a menu to decide for heal by medic, heal by hospital or die.
- Jobs
  Every Job can configured with different ranks
    - Medic
        - can raid police stations and prisons
        - can get load out at specific position
        - Spawn with Medic Equipment
        - can heal other players
        - can open medic buildings
        - have a panel in almanac where they can see player emergency
        - get a message, when there is a new emergency
    - Civil
        - can raid police stations, prisons, hospitals and buildings from other players
        - Spawn with Civil Equipment
    - Cops
        - spawn with Cop Equipment
        - can get load out at specific position
        - can open police stations and prisons
        - can give player arrest
        - can open every car
        - can see owner of cars
        - can see owner of houses in house menu
        - can pay back the money from a bank robbery, every policeman who is online at that time gets a percentage bonus.
   - Army
        - spawn with Army Equipment
        - can get load out at specific position
        - can open army buildings and prisons
        - can give player arrest
  - Fraction System
        - Players can create a fraction currently there are following access rights managed by fraction:
            -- access to fraction garage
            -- access to fraction bank account (pay in and amount is visible)
            -- can take money from fraction bank account


This mod was inspired by Altis Life for Arma 3.