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DayZ Life V2 Client (RP Framework)

DayZ Life V2 Server (RP Framework)

Here you will find any information, how you can setup your DayZ Life Server.

1. You have to setup the car lifetime in your type.xml. If you don not give them a lifetime, every car that you buy over the trader will be deleted at server restart. 


<type name="CivilianSedan">
<flags count_in_cargo="0" count_in_hoarder="0" count_in_map="1" count_in_player="0" crafted="0" deloot="0"/>

2. You have to configure in your "serverDZ.cfg" the property "storeHouseStateDisabled" to "0". If you don´t do that, the buildings can not be looked. 

storeHouseStateDisabled = 0;

3. Copy the mods "DayZ Life", "DayZ Life Server" and "DZL Miscs" to your server

4. Copy from mod "@DayZ Life\Keys" and mod "@DayZ Life Misc\Keys" folders the keys into "DayZServer\keys" folder

5. Start your server first time for example with this command:

DayZServer_x64.exe -config=serverDZ.cfg -port=2302 -dologs -adminlog -netlog -freezecheck "-profiles=MyProfileFolder" "-serverMod=@DayZ Life Server" "-mod=@DZL Misc;@DayZ Life"

Hint: "DayZLife Server" Mod is only needed on server side

6. if server is ready, shut down your server

7. Enter into your server profiles folder. There is a new folder named: "DayZLife"

8. Enter "DayZLife" folder, there you will find one "Data" Folder and one "Config" folder, explanations for configs you will find here: Never touch the "Data" folder. Only you want to wipe your server. Then you can delete the "Data" folder.

7. Start configure your Server. The most is automatically configured but for the Trader you have to configure your preferences.  You can use our Trader configuration tool to do that. You also will find in DayZ Life Server Mod an example for Trader configuration.

8. Start your server after configuration

9. Have fun and enjoy our mod.

10. Feedback and donations ( are always wellcome