This mod has been deprecated. Please upgrade to:

DayZ Life V2 Client (RP Framework)

DayZ Life V2 Server (RP Framework)


Trader Items

You can use our Online Editor for creating this configuration, you only have to add Attachments manually. If you use the online Editor, the JSON file will be compressed formatted. But after first start of the mod, the file will be well formatted

    "version": "1", // Never touch this value. It is needed internally
    "categories": [
            "name": "Attachments", // Name of the category, must be unique
            "items": [ // All items in that category
                // Start first item
                    "id": "968641323941", // must be unique, if you add manually an item, you can set an empty value like "", the mod will automatically assign a value. Never change this value.
                    "type": "AK74_Hndgrd", // The type of the object, see in types.xml
                    "displayName": "", // This value will used only internally. Leave it blank 
                    "sellPrice": 100, // Price for a full stack. If the seller has only the half stack, he will get the half price.
                    "buyPrice": 300, // Price for full stack. Player get always a full stack from trader.
                    "attachments": [
                        "" // Here you can add attachments, see example below
                    "usePlayerAsSpawnPoint": 1, // Item will spawn at player  1 = On 0 = Off
                    "isCar": 0 // if item is a car, it will filled with all liquids  1 = On 0 = Off
                    "id": "79003822006",
                    "type": "M4A1",
                    "displayName": "",
                    "sellPrice": 254,
                    "buyPrice": 1699,
                    "attachments": [
                    "usePlayerAsSpawnPoint": 1,
                    "isCar": 0
                    "isStorageItem": 1, // is a storage item 1 = true, 0 = false. If is active every config vars below are required. Storage items have a dynamic pice
                    "maxStorage": 10, // how many items can be stored
                    "maxBuyPrice": 400, // max buy price for the item. The min price will be the "buyPrice" variable
                    "maxSellPrice": 20, // max sell price for the item. The min price will be the "sellPrice" variable
                    "reducePerTick": 1, // if the value is positive the then the items will reduce if negative the trader get more items per tick
                    "tickLengthInMinutes": 1 // how often the storage will reduced/increased