This mod has been deprecated. Please upgrade to:

DayZ Life V2 Client (RP Framework)

DayZ Life V2 Server (RP Framework)

Army Loadout:

    "version": "2", // Never touch this value. It is needed internally
    "jobId": "Army", // Never touch this value. It is needed internally
    "loadOutCategories": [ // Load out categories
            "name": "cat1", // The name of the Category
            "items": [ // The items
                    "type": "PoliceCap", // The type of the object, see in types.xml
                    "displayName": "", // This value will used only internally. Leave it blank 
                    "attachments": [],  // Can have attachments, See example below
                    "quickBarEntityShortcut": -1 // The number in the player quick bar. -1 = no Position 1,2,3,.. The position in quick bar
                   "type": "PoliceJacketOrel",
                    "displayName": "",
                    "attachments": [ // Example for attachments, is the same as the parent item
                            "type": "Deagle",
                            "displayName": "",
                            "attachments": [], // Attachment can also have attachments 
                            "quickBarEntityShortcut": -1
                            "type": "Mag_Deagle_9rnd",
                            "displayName": "",
                            "attachments": [],
                            "quickBarEntityShortcut": -1
                           "type": "Mag_Deagle_9rnd",
                            "displayName": "",
                            "attachments": [],
                            "quickBarEntityShortcut": -1
                           "type": "Mag_Deagle_9rnd",
                            "displayName": "",
                            "attachments": [],
                            "quickBarEntityShortcut": -1
                            "type": "Mag_Deagle_9rnd",
                            "displayName": "",
                            "attachments": [],
                            "quickBarEntityShortcut": -1
                    "quickBarEntityShortcut": -1
                    "type": "PolicePantsOrel",
                    "displayName": "",
                    "attachments": [
                          "type": "SodaCan_Cola",
                            "displayName": "",
                            "attachments": [],
                            "quickBarEntityShortcut": -1
                            "type": "SodaCan_Cola",
                            "displayName": "",
                            "attachments": [],
                            "quickBarEntityShortcut": -1
                            "type": "SpaghettiCan",
                            "displayName": "",
                            "attachments": [],
                            "quickBarEntityShortcut": -1
                            "type": "Apple",
                            "displayName": "",
                            "attachments": [],
                            "quickBarEntityShortcut": -1
                    "quickBarEntityShortcut": -1
                   "type": "PoliceVest",
                    "displayName": "",
                    "attachments": [],
                    "quickBarEntityShortcut": -1
                    "type": "JungleBoots_Black",
                    "displayName": "",
                    "attachments": [],
                    "quickBarEntityShortcut": -1
   "loadOutPosition": [
            "position": [ // Position of load out object
            "orientation": [ // Orianttation of load out object