"version": "6", // Never touch this value. It is needed internally
"positionOfBankingPoints": [
// Start Position One
"position": [ // Postion of Bank
"orientation": [ // Orientation of Bank
"raidIsEnabled": 1 // Can players raid this bank 1 = On 0 = Off
// End Position One, you can add below more areas
"showSumOfStoredCashInBank": 1, // Show the Sum Cash in Bank, 1 = On 0 = Off
"raidTimeBankInSeconds": 3600, // How long a raid takes time
"itemsCanUsedToRaidBank": [ // What kind of weapons the raider must have, he needs only one of the.
"percentOfMoneyWhenRaid": 15, // How much money the raider get. from bank in percent
"bonusPerCopWhenRobtMoneyWillPaidBackInPercent": 5, // When cops pay back the robbt money, they will get a bonus
"sellTradingTax": 10, // Tax that player have to pay, when say selling goods at trader
"raidCoolDownTimeInSeconds": 300, // This time start running after a raid. No actions are possible with Bank Char at the cool down phase
"maximumRaidDistanceToBank": 7, // How far a raider can be in meter to raid. Player can walk in this range in hole raid phase
"startCapital": 5000 // How much money a new joined player get, does not work, when useMoneyAsObject is active
"useMoneyAsObject": 1, // You can use ruble an other currencies
"currencyValues": { // ObjectName: value
"MoneyRuble10": 10,
"MoneyRuble5": 5,
"MoneyRuble100": 100,
"MoneyRuble25": 25,
"MoneyRuble50": 50,
"MoneyRuble1": 1
"raidIsCopControlled": 1, // Players can only the bank raid, when enough cops are online, see value below 1 = On 0 = Off
"minCountCopsForRaid": 10, // Count of online cops
"raidTimeControlled": 1, // Player can only raid the bank in specified time periods
"raidStartTimeHour": 14, // Start hour in UTC
"raidEndTimeHour": 13, // End hour in UTC
"raidStartTimeMinute": 0, // Start minute
"raidEndTimeMinute": 59, // End minute
"canStartRaidIfShopRaidRuns": 0 // Can start a bank raid if a shop raid already runs.